Healing, Mindfulness

How to actually “Let go”

Every corner you turn, you’re being asked to let go, to let it be, to release something, to surrender. But, how do we really go about understanding this process. I’ve put together a few steps that I think might help. 

Become aware of your role in your life

It’s easy to simply carry on with daily tasks, chores around the house or your 9-5 job, because they have to be done. But it’s also equally easy to get lost in the process. 

Where in your life are you the victim?
Whose rules are you living by?
Who are you rescuing or attempting to save?
Who defines what you do everyday? 

Once you begin to understand the recurring patterns in your life, you will begin to dive a bit deeper and move on to the next step which is discovering what it is that is truly holding you back. 

Step 2:
Discover the underlying truth

What is really holding you back from being your whole true self or from reaching your full potential?
Have you suffered a case of abuse or abandonment? A betrayal of your trust or a recent separation?
Have you been suppressing who you want to be because you think you have to be in service to someone? What is your deepest fear?
What is the real reason?

Most times, we tend to pick a trauma or a difficult situation to blame to make it easier. But, in reality, it is all within us. It is an underlying fear, nervousness, anger directed towards ourselves. 

Find your truth and you will begin to move towards the next step. 

Step 3:
Take a step outside yourself 

Looking within and uncovering our deepest wounds can be quite scary. There is a reason why so many people look outside of themselves for many things. 

And so the big idea here is to step outside yourself and observe your life from a distance. Try and look at it with a sense of compassion instead of shame or guilt. What do you see? What are you doing or not doing for yourself? Figure out why you do what you do. 

Try to assess the situation as if you were helping a friend. And see what answers arise. 

Step 4:
Permit the past to pass

It is time to free yourself from the ties to your traumas, dramas, and suffering.

When we cut these cords, we break free from the restraints of the past and the stories holding us to the old patterns of living.

Release yourself from service to someone else, from doing your duty, from what society believes you should be. Shake it all off. And become who you were meant to be. 

Let whatever has happened so far, be just that – the past and it’s over. It needs to pass on so that your new way of life can begin. Only you can allow this to happen. 

Step 5:
A new hope 

Follow your bliss. Choose love. Choose happiness. Everyday. 

Ask yourself:
Does this make me happy?
What is bliss to me?
What gets your mind excited?
What stirs your soul?

Whatever feels most like you, go do it. You need to consciously choose to let go of the pains and suffering of the past and move forward confidently into the future. Be inspired and take action by realigning with your passion and purpose in life.

The more you wait, the more you fall right back into your old patterns. So, breakaway, release & let go.
Don’t worry about life, it will fall into place as soon as you do.